Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Morons of the Year

Since it's the end of 2008 I decided to honor the Top 3 Morons of the Year instead of my normal Moron of the Week.

Let's start with number 3
Sarah Palin
It was actually hard for me to not put her at number 1. If you read my blog and my posts on you would know why. I'll let the video speak for itself (the beginning sets the tone for you).

Number 2
Leadership of the Mormon Church
Their decision to attack the gay community by asking all of their followers to contribute and participate in an election that wasn't even in their state really troubles me. Again, I'll let the video tell the story.

And the Top Moron of the Year
President George W. Bush
I don't think this needs explanation.

I'm just glad someone let him know how they really feel

So there you have it the Top 3 Morons of the Year. Happy New Year everyone.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Courage Campaign

I came across this slide show put together by The Courage Campaign.

It's called Please Don't Divorce...
It's time to put a face to Ken Starr's shameful legal proceedings. To put a face to the 18,000 couples facing forcible divorce. To put a face to marriage equality. Because, gay or straight, YOU are the face of the Marriage Equality Movement.

I didn't know much about the organization so I went to their website to learn more. Here is a clip from their about page
The Courage Campaign is an online organizing network that empowers over 300,000 grassroots and netroots activists to push for progressive change in California.

Whether it's helping kill the GOP's electoral college initiative "dirty trick," count the infamous "double bubble" votes in Los Angeles after Super Tuesday, or push for the ultimate closure of the "yacht tax loophole," the Courage Campaign has waged many successful campaigns.

Our partners include, CREDO Mobile, Democracy for America,, United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW), the California Nurses Association, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Greater Los Angeles.

The Courage Campaign is also a member of Progress Now's national network of statewide advocacy organizations. Our online organizing tools are powered by Blue State Digital.

Just another example of how a grassroots group is make a powerful statement for equality. Thanks Courage Campaign!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

Some Christmas songs for your enjoyment

John Mellencamp - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

Melissa Etheridge - Blue Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Melissa Etheridge Talks About Rick Warren on the Thom Hartmann Show

Melissa Etheridge performed the other night at an event for the Muslim Public Affairs Council. It just so happened that Pastor Rick Warren was scheduled to speak at the same event. Melissa asked to speak to Warren and a surprising thing happened. Melissa came away feeling good. She seems to think there is hope in bringing different sides together through Warren. In fact she wrote quite an amazing endorsement of him for the Huffington Post.

While I am still skeptical she is one of my favorite people and she was on one of my favorite radio shows talking about it. So any excuse to put Melissa with Thom Hartmann on my blog is a good one.

Time will tell just how good Melissa's read on Warren is...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pastor Warren Has Saddelback Website Updated - But Not Enough

On Friday this screen shot from the Saddleback Church website really got the gays angry

And now it's gone. Apparently after all the heat put on him for comparing homosexuality to incest and pedophilia he has decided to take a look at exactly what it is he is saying. This weekend both he and Melissa Etheridge were an event for the Muslim Public Affairs Council. According to Etheridge in her piece at the Huffington Post Warren had this to say,
He said he regretted his choice of words in his video message to his congregation about proposition 8 when he mentioned pedophiles and those who commit incest. He said that in no way, is that how he thought about gays.
Ok so it appears that progress is being made. However, many gays are still upset that he didn't take the opportunity to say that in a public statement to just to a famous gay person while getting an autograph. Whatever his motive is at least it's out there and there is a chance that the shift has begun.

So then why is this what they are teaching. Below is a clip from the Saddleback website under sexual purity.

Don't you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God?  Don't fool yourselves.  Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers, or homosexuals will have no share in His Kingdom.  Neither will thieves or greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers.  1 Corinthians 6:9-10 TLB

The King James wording is
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
 There is actually quite a bit of trouble getting people to agree on the translation here. In "What does 1 Corinthians 6:9 teach about sexuality, and how should we live in response?" Robert L. Brawley of the McCormick Theological Seminary seems to sum up what many people think.
But is it really so clear that 1 Cor 6:9 is about “homoerotic practice” and is it really so clear who is excluded from being heirs of God’s kingdom? I suggest that there is actually a lack of clarity. The lack of clarity shows up in several ways. One is in the variety among translations. Another is the difficulty we have in making direct correlations between biblical texts and the way we construe reality today. Most importantly, however, the argument about clarity does not adequately consider the context in 1 Corinthians 6, and this context is eye-opening with respect to how Paul deals with sexual behavior among the Corinthians.

Translations. Though malakoi literally means soft, it is often used in Greek to describe effeminate men, and many interpreters suggest that this identifies receptive partners in same-sex erotic behavior among males. One would be hard pressed to deduce anything about a receptive partner from the King James translation which simply says “effeminate” or from Luther’s translation quite literally as “weakling.” The Revised Standard Version combines the two terms malakoi and arsenokoitai into one translation as “sexual perverts,” a questionable move in translating, which the New Revised Standard Version tries to “correct” by reverting to two terms. With respect to malakoi the NRSV translation is “male prostitutes.” When the translation tradition moves between the extremes of “weakling” and “male prostitutes,” this indicates lack of clarity in our understanding of the term. Simply the variety in translations is one indication that the church has no sustained tradition of clarity about the meaning of malakoi in 1 Cor 6:9.

The problem of clarity is perhaps even more difficult with arsenokoitai. 1 Cor 6:9 is the first place we know of in all of Greek literature in which this term is used. Paul apparently coined it. So how does one know what a word means the first time it ever appears? Granted, we know some things from the formation of the word. It is compounded from a term for “bed” and a term for “male” with an agency ending—implicitly one who beds a male. Again, a quick review of
translations shows the uncertainty in the meaning. The King James Version has “abusers of themselves with mankind”; Luther has an equivalent of “violators of boys,” perhaps implying pederasty; and the NRSV introduces “sodomites,” an astonishing innovation in the translation tradition. goes on to say,
Although "homosexual" is a very common translation, it is almost certain to be inaccurate:
If Paul wanted to refer to homosexual behavior, he would have used the word "paiderasste." That was the standard Greek term at the time for sexual behavior between males.
There are many more places that say the use of homosexual in this passage is incorrect. So if Pastor Warren is so progressive and as he says "loves gays and straights" then why not choose to use a more correct and up to date translation on his site? I am starting to like this pick of Obama more and more. If Warren really is interested in being "America's Pastor" and he truely feels he helps gays by all the work he does with HIV/AIDS then maybe he can learn how the words he chooses are more important than ever at this time.

Hopefully, he'll also start to make his appologies and changes more public instead of just to the rich and famous.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Moron of the Week

This week the honor goes to Sherry Johnston, mother of Levi Johnston who is the boyfriend of Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol. Really this needs to be shared by Palin and the Republican party in general.

Johnston was arrested on Thursday and charged with six felony counts of misconduct involving a controlled substance.

Honestly there isn't anything I can say that shows how thus whole situation qualifies for Moron of the Week better than what was already said on the Keith Olbermann Show

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Artist

Hello again reader. Well usually when I talk directly to you it's because I'm about to have some fun around here instead of keeping things so serious all the time.

This one is for my cousin. he found a site called Typealyzer that analyzes your personality based on your blog. It seems to analyze the text. well I decided to play along. So here are my results.

                                                           The Artists
The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of.

They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living.

I always have a hard time aplying the word artist to myself in anyway. My twitter friends know this since I just commented on a fortune cookie that said,
"You are an artistic person - let your colors show"
I asked my twitter friends who the fortune really was for. One of the responses I got was from @gaydawgtrainer who told me,
"honey you know you have those rainbow colors flowing through you!"
 It was very hard to argue with that logic. So I guess I am going to need to work on embracing the artistic side of me. It leaves me to think that this blog has become an outlet for my passion for activism. If in writing that is showing art then I can surely embrace that.

So thanks to my cousin @fabflea for sharing this site with me. It was a lot of fun. Thank you all for reading and for your comments. It's nice when I get to talk to you and share the art with you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why The Gays Are Mad About Rick Warren

Ever since Barack Obama announced that Pastor Rick Warren would be giving the invocation at the Inauguration I have been on edge about the decision. My first thought was
"Gee it's been about a month and a half - I guess it is time for us to get slapped in the face."
In case you're wondering what the big deal is and why the gay community would be offended by Rick Warren being asked to have such a high profile moment check out Warren's little video here

I love how he says,

"If you believe what the bible says about marriage you need to support Proposition 8."

Oh really. So then I should look at Deuteronomy 21:15

"A man might have two wives. And he might love one wife more than the other. Both wives might have children for him. And the first child might be the child of the wife he does not love."

Or how about Matthew 19:8-9

8 Jesus answered, "Moses allowed you to divorce your wives because you refused to accept God's teaching. But divorce was not allowed in the beginning. 9 I tell you that any person that divorces his wife and marries another woman is guilty of the sin of adultery. The only reason for a person to divorce and marry again is if his first wife had sexual relations with another man."

Interesting isn't it. Let's hear what Pastor Warren had to say in an interview with Beliefnet about divorce and if it is a big problem today.

I love how he basically says that the reason we make such a big deal about gay marriage is because of "ratings." This is ok to turn the gays into the BIG sinners and second class citizens because the other stuff is too close to home so no one will listen (come to church - or give money).

It's this attitude that keeps suicide amongst gay teens and young adults so high. All because it's easier to vilify such a small minority than deal with real problems, like divorce, that are really hurting families and kids all across this country. Warren and others like him don't want to "redefine marriage". Yet marriage has changed so much over the course of time. Wives used to considered more property than anything. Marriage was a business transaction done by the patriach of the family. Not so long ago bi-racial couples could not marry in this country. Warren says over and over that marriage has been the same for 5,000 years. I wonder if he meant this example from the The Sex Atlas written by Erwin J. Haeberle, Ph.D., Ed.D.,

"The English Puritans in the 17th century even passed an Act of Parliament asserting "marriage to be no sacrament" and soon thereafter made marriage purely secular. It was no longer to be performed by a minister, but by a justice of the peace. The Restoration abolished this law and reverted to the old system, but the Puritans brought their concept of marriage to America where it survived."

Marriage is not a sacrament but secular - well isn't that interesting.

Apparently I am supposed to be ok with Warren because he's not homophobic because he funds AIDS projects. Gee that's about the only good thing President Bush did too. Not the kind of company I'd want to be in.

But wait there's more

I am amazed he can laugh off being homophobic when he compares gay marriage to incest and pedophilia but it's ok because he will talk to gay people and give them water and donuts.

So again I'm back to why did Obama go there. I agree with the reporter in the video. This is political. But I'll let Obama speak first.

So is this a payback? The comment Obama says about Warren having him come speak to his church he considered a big opportunity. So is this his thank you for helping him with some of the religious groups that Obama needed to reach. I can't say for sure. I do believe that Obama is trying to e inclusive and bring people together. I also think that there are those that are not promoting hate and equating LGBT people to pedophiles that can have this kind of a spotlight.

So I know it seems us gays have been yelling a lot lately and this isn't going to help calm us down.

I heard a woman on the radio today and she has given me reason to pause and try to move from this in a different direction.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, an African-American pro-gay minister will be giving the benediction. The woman on the radio commented that these two choices were symbolic.

"Pastor Warren represents where we are now. That's why he is going first. Rev. Lowery represents where this country is going.

Like the inauguration will show the journey of change.

This caller saved the day for me. To me it sounds like Obama's thought process and diligent planning. I'm trying hard to buy into it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Phoenix City Council Approves Domestic Partner Registry

In a unanimous decision the Phoenix City Council an Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon approved a domestic partner registry. In the wake of Prop. 102 passing this is a victory that the LGBT community of Arizona needed. The registry will provide hospital visitation rights to unmarried couples whether same-sex or opposite sex. Special thanks to Council Member Tom Simplot, an openly gay council member,  for his work in making this happen.

The Human Rights Campaign released the following statement

Phoenix City Council Approves Domestic Partner Registry

Registry Will Provide Hospital Visitation Rights for Unmarried Couples
WASHINGTON –The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights group, praised the Phoenix, Arizona City Council and mayor for voting today to enact a domestic partner registry for city residents.  The registry will permit unmarried couples to register as domestic partners and receive hospital visitation rights.  The registry, which will become effective February 9, 2009, will be available to both same-sex and different-sex couples.
 “Today, the city of Phoenix has begun to recognize what we have known for a long time – that our relationships are just as true, meaningful, and deserving of legal protections as anyone else’s,” said Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors member and Phoenix resident Linda Elliott.  “With this registry, we can feel confident that we can visit our loved ones in medical facilities at a time when they need us most.  We thank Mayor Phil Gordon, Councilman Tom Simplot and the entire city council for taking this step towards equality.”
Phoenix joins more than 70 other cities and counties nationwide with domestic partner registries. 

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.

This Saturday - Light Up the Night for Equal Rights!

A message from Join the Impact

This Saturday (December 20th) the thousands of amazing volunteers
at Join The Impact are
working hard to host another national event - shedding the light of
equality on our movement!

Please join us to Light Up the Night for Equal Rights!

Peaceful candlelight vigils will be held at commercial centers in
cities across the country in honor of the rights lost to Proposition
8 and the many rights that have remained non-existent for 1 in 10 US

This event will help us build allies and bridge the gap of
understanding for those that oppose us. Far too many are not aware
of the rights and legal protections that members of the LGBTQ
community are not afforded and heterosexual citizens enjoy.
Awareness will give way to understanding and acceptance. Many who
oppose us do not hate us, they just do not understand what we are
fighting for. These are allies waiting to happen. We are encouraging
those involved to make this an opportunity for outreach and
education. As part of the outreach, we are providing everyone with
the "5 Rights Holiday Card" to pass out to shoppers. This cordial
holiday card states just 5 of the many rights not afforded to our
community. These include the right to fight for one's country, US
citizen sponsorship of one's partner, legal guardianship over one's
child, job protections based on sexual orientation (not available in
30 states), and federal as well as state-wide civil marriage.

Please join us in making an impact on our nation!

Help us spread the word by passing this on
to at least 10 friends.

To get involved, please visit your City Page and search for an event in your area. If
there is not an event yet planned, simply join the
and volunteer to organize in your city. Organizing is
extremely easy and we have already done a great deal of the leg work
for you. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions by emailing the
moderators of our

Happy Holidays & Equality to All... and to All a BRIGHT

Amy BalliettAmy Balliett is co-founder of

Domestic Partnership Vote Today in Phoenix

Today the Phoenix City Council is scheduled to vote on an ordinance to recognize domestic partnerships in the City of Phoenix.

I would like to ask if you are in the Phoenix area to show your support by attending the meeting on Wednesday, December 17th at 3 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 W Jefferson, Phoenix, and please call or email your council member and Mayor Phil Gordon to let them know you support the domestic partnership ordinance that will help unmarried couples, gay or straight, take care of each other.

One of the main things that this ordinance would do would be to grant hospital visitation rights to registered domestic partners. Which means the domestic partner of a person in the hospital would be allowed to visit during family hours, giving them the ability to be with and support their loved one during these difficult times in each other’s lives.

It is important after the passing of Proposition 102 that we use our voice and ask those that may be divided on marriage but support our basic right to protect our families to support us and vote yes for this ordinance.

Please make your voice heard, and encourage your friends, neighbors and family members who live in Phoenix to do the same.


1) Call or email Mayor Phil Gordon and your council member now. Visit to find their number. To find your council district, visit

2) Attend the meeting on Wednesday, December 17th at 3 p.m. in City Council Chamber, 200 W Jefferson Street.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoes at President Bush

I never thought I would have a video of President Bush speaking on my blog. But I gotta say when it includes a guy throwing shoes at him it's hard to pass up.

President Bush had to make just one last trip to Iraq before the end of his Presidency. While at a news conference with the Iraqi Prime Minister, one of the Iraqi journalist threw both of his shoes at the President. Now Bush tries to make light of it but in the Arab culture the symbolism of the shoe is very significant.

Here is an explanation provided by Caroline Gammell in the Telegraph.

Showing the sole of your shoe has long been an insult in Arab culture To hit someone with that shoe – as Muntadar al-Zeidi (pictured) tried with President George W Bush – is seen as even worse.

The shoe is considered dirty because it is on the ground and associated with the foot, the lowest part of the body. Hitting someone with a shoe shows that the victim is regarded as even lower. When Saddam Hussein’s statue was toppled in Baghdad in April 2003, Iraqis swarmed around it, striking it with their shoes.

Shoes are often used to attack the American flag and to lash out at photographs of Mr Bush by those protesting against American foreign policy.

As an insult to President George Bush Snr after the first Gulf war, a mosaic of his face was laid on the floor of the Al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad. Anyone who entered the lobby would have to walk over his face to get into the hotel.

The mosaic was subsequently destroyed by American soldiers in 2003 and replaced with an image of Saddam Hussein.

The shoe is such an offensive symbol that it is seen as culturally rude to cross an ankle over a knee and display the sole of the shoe while talking to another person.

The shoe is also considered unclean in the Muslim faith and believers must remove them before prayers.

Wearing shoes in mosques is forbidden.

Compounding the shoe insult was Mr Zeidi’s likening of the US president to a dog. While the comparison is perhaps not polite in any culture, among Arabs, who traditionally consider dogs unclean, the words were an even even more stinging.

I also loved that Bush could name so many ways people "draw attention to themselves". Like flipping him off and yelling at him at rallies. Thank God the American people have prepared the President to always be on the look out for flying objects - eggs, tomatoes, shoes - he's ready for whatever the world throws at him.

Video of the Day - Melissa Etheridge vs. Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Today Melissa Etheridge was on The View to promote her new Christmas CD - A New Thought for Christmas. Well that's what everyone thought. However, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the shows extreme right wing co-host, decided to mention Prop 8. Melissa gave a recap of Prop 8 and how that has led to a public out cry and that it is not just coming from the gay community. She complimented Whoopi Goldberg for her comments and said to Elizabeth how disappointed she was in her comments that she felt mislead the public. Elizabeth tried to argue that we can't be so happy about democracy working when Obama is elected and because gay marriage was voted down it doesn't work. Melissa kept hammering her point of a paper written by Thomas Jefferson in which she has he discuses  "that the rights minority should never be voted on by the majority." One of the best parts was when Sherri Shepherd tries to save Elizabeth and get Melissa to sing, Melissa still has to get her point across and has the final word. Oh and by the way, Melissa performs Blue Chrstmas from her new CD.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm on the Million Blog List


I like to report things that I feel are important and news worthy here. However, sometimes it's nice to just have a little fun. I found a neat little experiment going on called the Million Blog List. the creators are trying to see how long it will take to get 1 Million Blogs listed on the site. Since I was there I decided to add mine to the list. It was very easy. Now we wait to see how long it will take. You can even participate in the poll and guess how long it will take.

Oh and while your there check out some of the over 700,000 entries.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Moron of the Week

It looks like I need to start a weekly post called "Moron of the Week". There seem to be plenty of candidates. The Governor of Illinois I have decided to bestow the first award to singer Pat Boone. Now I know what you are thinking how can the person famous for songs like "Tutti Frutti" possibly make this list. Or maybe your thinking, "Tutti Frutti" really explains it all. Just watch and let Keith Olbermann explain it too you.

Here is the response from the Human Rights Campaign. Hope you will consider sending a message to Pat!

"...there is a real, unbroken line between the jihadist savagery in Mumbai and the hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists."
- Pat Boone, December 6, 2008

Dear HRC members,

Country singer and right-wing pundit Pat Boone has written a column equating the movement against Prop. 8 to the terrorists who tortured and murdered hundreds in Mumbai.

I am not kidding. This is a new low in anti-gay rhetoric.

Boone and his buddies continue to stir up fear, even if they have to lie. It's exactly how they passed the California marriage ban.

We need your help to stop the radical right from painting a movement about love and dignity as violent and radical. We need your support to stay strong, smart, and nimble, to combat these growing attacks with the simple truth: all we want is equality.

Make a donation to HRC on behalf of Pat Boone. Your gift helps HRC combat these lies – and sends the message that our call for equality cannot be silenced.

We'll even send Mr. Boone a note with your first name and gift amount to let him know you've donated in his name.

It's time to say enough to the deception and false ads that defeated marriage equality in three states and banned gay couples from adopting in Arkansas; enough to the attempts to equate peaceful protest with "jihadist savagery"; enough to the lies used to block federal hate crimes laws and workplace protections.

In the face of lies like this, there's only one thing to do: Demand the Truth – and that's exactly what we will be doing in the coming year. HRC will:

  • Respond quickly and forcefully to the lies and intimidation with media outreach and grassroots mobilization, as part of an ongoing "Demand the Truth" campaign;
  • Organize hundreds of thousands of activists to pass the Matthew Shepard Act and combat the inevitable misleading campaign that will be waged against us;
  • Work with religious leaders to encourage LGBT people to come out in their faith communities and create venues for the voices of tolerance and love;
  • Continue the march for marriage equality and relationship recognition, especially in key states where new doors are opening right now, including New York, Vermont, New Mexico, New Jersey, and Iowa; and
  • Work with the Obama administration to undo years of White House anti-LGBT hostility.

To really go toe to toe with the mouthpieces of bigotry like Pat Boone, we're going to need your support.

If, every time they tell another lie, run another deceptive ad or use more fear-mongering to try and win votes and recruit new members, we respond by strengthening our movement for equality, eventually they'll realize they're hurting themselves more than they're hurting us.

But it only works if we all stand up.

Join us in demanding the truth, by making a gift in Pat Boone's name today!

What's perhaps most disturbing about Boone's rhetoric – painting LGBT people as a threat to society – is that it leads to the very real hate violence directed against LGBT people every day.

We can't stop the Pat Boones of our world from speaking their ugly lies, but together we can make sure that there's a political cost associated with this kind of hateful speech.


Joe Solmonese


To see the full article by Pat Boone, click here.

On a side note, I hope I never have to put myself on the "Moron of the Week" list.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

John Stewart takes on Huckabee and the Issue of Gay Marriage

This is a great exchange that really shows the religious right's perspective on gay marriage. Stewart of course makes many great points. My favorite is about half way in when Stewart makes the point that the main difference is Huckabee's belief that being gay is a choice. Stewart says, "Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality." He then asks Huckabee, "At what age did you choose to not be gay?" Watch the whole video below.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day Without a Gay

Join the Impact has been organizing another nationwide event. Wednesday, December 10th they are calling for people to participate in a Day Without a Gay.

Our community contributes $700 billion a year to this economy (the same amount as the bailout), yet we are not given equal protections under the law that every citizen deserves. As such, it is time we make a stand. During the largest shopping season of the year, we ask that you do one very important thing: Don't Buy Anything! What would happen to this world if the LGBTQ community didn't exist? Why is it that we continue to contribute to an economy and government that does not contribute to us? Let's answer these questions on December 10th.


STRIKE: call in gay, shut down your business, or just take the day off.

BOYCOTT: don't buy anything, spend money or support the economy. If you do need to buy support LGBT businesses.

PARTICIPATE: Volunteer and/or protest in your area.

Here is the info on the protests organized by H.E.R.O. happening in the Phoenix area.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prop 8 - The Musical

Hilarious video about Prop 8.

Check out Proposition 8 - The Musical

You won't believe all the stars in it.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Credits: Conceived and Written (six weeks later than he shoulda) by-Marc Shaiman Directed and Staged by: Adam Shankman Produced by Adam Shankman, Marc Shaiman and Mike Farah Edited by Bradly Schulz and Drew Antzis Cast (in order of appearance) California Gays and The People That Love Them Jordan Ballard, Margaret Cho, Barrett Foa, J.B. Ghuman, John Hill, Andy Richter, Maya Rudolph, Rashad Naylor, Nicole Parker Proposition 8'ers and The People That Follow Them Prop 8 Leader- John C. Reilly Prop 8 Leader's #1 Wife- Allison Janney Prop 8 Leader's #2 Wife- Kathy Najimy Riffing Prop 8'er-Jenifer Lewis A Preacher- Craig Robinson Scary Catholic School Girls From Hell-Rashida Jones, Lake Bell, Sarah Chalke The Frightened Villagers Katharine "Kooks" Leonard, Seth Morris, Denise "Esi!" Piane, Lucian Piane, Richard Read, Seth Redford, Quinton Strack, Tate Taylor Jesus Christ Jack Black A Very Smart Fellow Neil Patrick Harris Piano Player Marc "Marc" Shaiman ---- Co-Choreographer: Anne "Mama" Fletcher Recorded and Mixed by Frank Wolfe & Greg Hayes Director of Photography: Michael Barrett Camera Operators: Jake Szymanski, Bradly Schulz and Drew Antzis Production designer: Nelson Coates Costume designer: Shanna Knecht Costume assistants: Leslie Schilling, Annalisa Adams, Elizabeth Abate Hair: Laura Sanchez Make-up: Shauna O'Toole, Atticuss Sharp Production sound: Bradford Craig Music editor: Lisa Jaime Music assistant: Brian Naguit Snacky: "Snacky" Special Thanks to Adam McKay for the nudge

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fantastic Four Meme

Rev. Nawny from Sacramentality tagged me for this fun “four theme” meme. I’m tagging a handful of other bloggers, but would love to hear your responses, too (either in comments or a link to your own blog post): How to play the Fantastic Four Meme:

1. Copy/paste the questions into your blog.
2. Type in your answers.
3. Tag four people on your list.
4. Don’t forget to change the answers to your own!

Okay, here goes:

Four Places I Go Over and Over:
  • ATA Black Belt Academy
  • Princess' School
  • TGIFriday's
  • Friend's House

Four People Who Email Me Regularly:
  • My Aunt
  • My friend Nathan
  • Human Rights Campaign - I know not a person but it is daily so I am counting it.
  • My Mom

Four Places I Like To Eat:
  • The Melting Pot
  • TGIFriday's
  • Coup De Tartes
  • Shangri-La

Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now:
  • Upstate New York visiting family
  • Sedona, AZ
  • At an all inclusive resort on a beach
  • Watching the Dallas Cowboys play at Texas Stadium

Four TV Shows I Could Watch Over and Over:
  • The Facts of Life
  • The West Wing
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • The Cosby Show

Four People I think Will Respond with Link Love:

If you think this is great fun (it really is … plus creating blog links is great blogging karma), then tag this and pass it on. Don’t forget to tag back to Thoughts from a Lezzymom Blog!